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Bhartiya Manyaprad received financial support from Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR).
The Bhartiya Manyaprad comes under the aegis of Bhartiya Vidya Bhawan and Gujarat University, Ahmedabad (Gujarat).
Bhartiya Manyaprad has also been included by International E-library www.libgenesis.org and volumes have been uploaded in the website.

BHARATIYA MANYAPRAD is a call to bring closer all Indians at one mental meadow irrespective of them being Indian residents, NRIs or PIOs. Certain issues touch all of them with same concern.

Bharatiya Manyaprad is a new International Journal of Indian Studies aiming to bring the best of cultural studies to a diverse academic and non-academic audience. We feature research articles and features practices and conditions specific to contemporary popular culture, traditions, norms and societies etc.Bharatiya Manyaprad shall include scholarly articles pertaining to the issues which are faced by Indians in any part of the world including India. It also invites books for review. It's a platform for all those who want to share the issues which need an attention and get the things changed for betterment. In fact it shall culminate into a dialogue bringing in a silent revolution amongst the people who are connected to India in any manner.

Though it is a research journal still it shall include the restlessness of an Indian as s/he faces in the society around the world. It is a multicultural journal inviting articles from all sectors of life. Bharatiya Manyaprad shall contain socio-cultural-psycho issues as faced by Indians throughout the world including India.

Articles should borrow from semiotics, psychoanalysis, queer theory, and other academic disciplines associated with cultural studies and critical theory, while remaining accessible to a general audience. Ideally, articles should surprise and entertain, presenting smart, pithy analysis of familiar subject matter. Articles are liable to be published after peer review.


Contact Us

Dr. Neerja A Gupta,
Principal, Bhavan's Arts and Commerce College
II Floor, Rituraj Appartment,
Opp. Rupal Flats,
Nr. St. Xavier's Loyola Hall, Navarangpura,
Ahmedabad (Guj) 380009
Email : drneeraarun@gmail.com,
Phone : +91-9825012984